
Customer Testimonials

(406) 404-1009

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Dr. Donna saved my son's life. He was depressed and feeling bullied at school. She taught him how to manage the bullies and how to have better judgment regarding his choice of friends. We are sad she has left Arizona and are having great difficulty finding a therapist of her caliper."

Bruce, 46 years

“Donna is the greatest doc!!! I mean it; in all senses ... her chap stick is awesome and she assisted me in the grieving process of closing my business. It was hard to end one career and begin another. She assisted me throughout the entire process. My mom found her visiting the hospital while my dad was in surgery at the same time as her daughter. They got to talking and my mom convinced me to see Donna for counseling. Moms always know best. Thanks Doc!"

Brian, 49 years

"Dr. Donna met my mom at church and instantly thought I should see her for counseling. I was promiscuous and having unprotected sex with lots of boys. I was fighting with my parents and sister all the time. My brother left for college and I was angry that he left me alone. Dr. Donna patiently worked with me and I found out that I was bi-polar. She did the assessment and then I saw a psychiatrist for medicine and from then on, I was able to make change in my life. I am not perfect, but I am no longer stupid.. Donna you were a lifesaver!"

Rachael, 16 years

"Dr. Kelsch helped me learn that I have Asperger's syndrome. I did not like knowing that.. but it made sense, since I did not have any friends and all my classmates thought I was weird. I used to have friends in elementary school, but did not know how to make friends in middle school. She taught me ways to 'act' at school. I know have 1 friend."

Jim, 13 years

"I met Donna through my daughter’s school. I was going through a divorce and wanting to date. My daughter was very angry about the divorce and with my boyfriend. Donna helped me and my daughter come to some agreement regarding my dating and her dad's role in the divorce. My daughter has a great relationship with me and her father now."

Renee, 33 years

"Dr. Kelsch was referred to me by a friend. My mom and dad were getting a divorce and they agreed that we could go see her. My sister, two brothers and I were angry about the divorce and the way our parents kept fighting. Dad did not give my mom enough money and our style of living changed big time. Dr. Kelsch got our parents to talk and stop arguing around us. Dad even agreed to give mom more money. Thanks Dr. Kelsch!"

Emily, 16 years

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 "Without faith nothing is possible, with faith nothing is impossible."

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